Trusted International Steel/Metal Brokers with a Worldwide Network of Top Manufacturing Suppliers

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+1 (289) 242-1143

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Bilotta Steel INC.

1184 Bellview Street Burlington, Ontario L7S 1C7 Canada

What we offer

Our Products

Joseph Bilotta

Joey Bilotta

Founder & CEO

Joey Bilotta is a former professional footballer in Spain and USA and since 2001, the founder and President of EduKick International Football Academies (EIFA). EIFA football & education boarding schools are located in 10 countries worldwide thus Mr. Bilotta has accumulated numerous international business contacts throughout Asia, Middle East, Africa, North & South America and Europe ( -

What we do

About Company

Bilotta Steel (JW Bilotta Holdings INC.) is your premier steel supply brokerage firm. Scrap Metal Sellers specializes in utilizing Mr. Bilotta's extensive network of international business associates worldwide in sourcing the industry's leading steel manufacturing suppliers. He has formed meaningful and trusting relationships with affiliated steel supplying partners which have extensive inventory thus allowing Bilotta Steel to provide the most competitive prices per metric ton for their scrap metal purchasing clients. At BILOTTA STEEL, we are committed to delivering quality products and client service maintaining strict guidelines meeting all international industry standards. Contact us today to receive this month's price quote enabling your company to save millions of dollars over time. Of particular interest is our current industry leading RAIL & BILLET steel pricing per metric ton. We look forward to establishing a long lasting, trust-based business relationship with your company.